Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fearless Fortissimo
I'd like to share this link and give a brief review of The Adventures of Fearless Fortissimo (Piano Music For Boys).  I have one ambitious student (boy) who gets quite bored with standard literature.  These progressive pieces have been an enjoyable change for him.  He started out with an elementary piece, and worked out most of the intermediate piece on his own.  He loves playing chords with melody, and having the chance to move up and down the keyboard.  It's been great how the music has unlocked his curiosity and inspired him to discover more on his own.  The arrangments start out with early elementary, which would be appropriate for a student in about a Level One method book, followed by an elementary level, and finally an intermediate level that produces a full sound, but is easier to learn than it may look.  Each piece has a different character.  I would love to get through the series and hear the story this student can tell with these compositions!

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